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Will Auto Insurance Cover Damage to a Sunroof?

By October 13, 2017June 9th, 2020No Comments

couple driving in car with sunroofThe sunroof on a vehicle is a nice benefit to the car. It can also pose a high risk in some situations.

Auto insurance may cover some loss related to your sunroof. However, this depends on the type of insurance you have. The sunroof is a bit different than the vehicle’s windows. Here are a few considerations to keep in mind.

What Type of Auto Insurance Do You Have?

The first step is to determine the type of car insurance in place. Most types of damage to the sunroof or to the car from the sunroof will need comprehensive auto coverage. This type of policy protects the vehicle’s value from non-accident related damage. This coverage can provide extensive protection to most components of the vehicle.

Some auto insurance only covers the glass of the sunroof. In this situation, you may get help for replacing the glass, but not the operating system.

What Type of Damage Occurred?

The next step is to determine the type of damage and whether car insurance provides coverage for it. For example, if the sunroof damage occurred as a result of poor maintenance and upkeep, most plans offer no protection. Did a tree fall on the vehicle causing damage to the sunroof? In this case, the policy may help. It may provide coverage for broken glass and repairs to the operating mechanism.

Another type of damage occurs when the sunroof leaks. The interior of the vehicle may suffer significant damage. When this happens, the car insurance may cover repairs to the interior if it was the result of a covered peril. This might include storm damage, flooding or theft.

When Should You File a Claim?

If an accident or other incident occurred, contact your agent about your policy. Inquire about the coverage you have. The best way to know if coverage is available is through this process. Your agent can help determine if it is worth filing a claim. Additionally, they will tell you the steps you need to take to do so.

Auto insurance updates are important. If your vehicle features a sunroof, be sure that is a component of your car insurance. Be sure the value is enough to cover repairs to the sunroof.

Need auto insurance? Look no further. Call Loftis & Wetzel Corporation at 580-363-3434 right now. We can help you get a fast, free policy quote.

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